Embodiment in action


On this website, information on the research and further activities of the "Sport and Cognition"-group at the Institute of Sports Science, Leibniz University Hannover, as well as some professional information to my person are provided. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our research is grounded on the concept of embodiment and focuses on two main topics: motor decision making and interpersonal coordination in sport and movement. In addition and in support of open science efforts, we are active in the field of research data management.

Melanie Krüger


++ NEWS ++

"Of numbers and other uncertainties": Project begin at the University of Sydney

In everyday life and sport, we are constantly making decisions about motor actions to be performed. The decision-making process is known to be influenced by a variety of factors, e.g. cognitive biases, that make it difficult to predict its outcome. In order to develop a better understanding of motor decision-making, I will be conducting a project in cooperation with Bruce Burns at the University of Sydney from mid January to mid July. The project is funded by a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

++ Upcoming events ++

January - July 2025

Research sabbatical
School of Psychology, University of Sydney, Australia

17th - 19th September 2025

27. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag
"Sportwissenschaft: Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit!?"
University of Münster