Interpersonal coordination



When moving in space, non-verbal interaction and coordination processes with other persons in the environment continuously take place – a process referred to as "interpersonal coordination". Interpersonal coordination during joint actions impose special demands on cognitive and motor functioning of the interacting persons. Yet, the underlying principles of interpersonal coordination during movement, e.g. active mobility, and sport, and the effect of age-related functional decline on it are only poorly understood.


Optical motion tracking to calculate kinematic parameters of persons locomotor behaviour (e.g. speed and path adjustments, minimum distance) 

Modelling approaches to predict different outcome measures of movement adjustments (e.g. crossing order)

Questionnaires to assess the persons‘ perception of the interaction 

Mixed-Reality, for being able to scale the complexity and ecological validity of the experimental environment 


COST Action 23101:
"Building Opportunities for Participation and Accessibility through lifelong community Mobility (BOPALiM)"
since 2024 

Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony:
"Moving forward: developing multi-method experimental approaches to investigate human locomotion in real life to support lifelong self-dependent living"


Kamalasanan, V., Krüger, M. & Sester, M. (2024). Interacting with a virtual cyclist in Mixed reality affects pedestrian walking. In CLIPE 2024 - Creating Lively Interactive Populated Environments (pp. 1–6). doi: 10.2312/cl.20241051. (Link)

Kamalasanan, V., Krüger, M. & Sester, M. (2023). Developing a Cyclist 3D GameObject for a Mixed Reality Interaction Framework. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (pp. 254-256). doi: 10.1109/VRW58643.2023.00062 (Link

Orschiedt, J., Schmickler, J., Nußer, V., Fischer, T., Hermsdörfer, J. & Krüger, M. (2023). Writing while walking: The impact of cognitive-motor multi-tasking on collision avoidance in human locomotion. Human Movement Science, 88,103064. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2023.103064 (Link)