Workshop and conference organization:
Workshop and conference visits:
| 17th - 18th November | 7. Research Symposium Physiotherapy (FSPT) of the German Society for Physiotherapy Science (DGPTW), Göttingen, Germany
Oral presentation: Eine Website mit Informationen und physiotherapeutischen Übungen für den Beckenboden verbessert die sexuelle Funktion bei jungen und gesunden Nullipara: Entwicklung und Pilotierung (Theresia Kiesel, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim)
| 20th - 22nd September | 26. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag, Bochum, Germany
Oral presentation: Nachhaltiges und offenes Forschungsdatenmanagement - Ein Thema für die deutsche Sportwissenschaft?
| 25th - 29th March | IEEE VR 2023 Workshop: ARES - Augmented Reality Enabling Superhuman Sports & Serious Games, Munich, Germany
Oral presentation: Developing a Cyclist 3D GameObject for a Mixed Reality Interaction Framework (Vinu Kamalasanan, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, LUH)
| 07th - 09th September | Meeting of the dvs-section "Sportmotorik", Karlsruhe, Germany
Oral Presentation: Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Sportwissenschaft: Perspektiven und Potenziale
Oral Presentation: The impact of multi-tasking demands on collision avoidance in human locomotion – a case for the study of strategic behavioral adaptations?
| 16th - 18th June | asp Conference, Münster, Germany
Poster presentation: The influence of working memory load on motor deicison making: A pilot study (Seike Jurisch)
| 29th - 31st March | 25. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag, Kiel, Germany
Poster presentation: Do joint goals affect the “social inhibition of return”? (Laura Schmitz)
| 15th - 17th Sept | 6th International Congress on Complex Systems in Sports , Mainz, Germany
Oral presentation: Moving minds distracted - The impact of smartphone use on collision avoidance in human locomotion (Melanie Krüger)
| 26th - 29th July | Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria
Poster presentation: In the blink of an eye? Evidence for a reduced attentional blink for eyes (Laura Schmitz)
| 30th June -1st July | 5th Virtual Social Interactions Conference, Glasgow, UK
Oral presentation: Taking turns (with a computer): Joint goals affect attentional orienting (Laura Schmitz)